Tailored Implementation Plan {TIP}

IMAGINE to help you succeed!



The TIP process is designed to provide a roadmap for the successful implementation of Imagine Scholarships and to ensure  the service is integrated into your daily operations.

Each step can be accomplished through  virtual or in-person meetings.

1. Timeline: Imagine Education Solutions (IES) staff and your school staff partner to design a launch  timeline for each of the following launch steps. 

2. Live Launch Date: Determine a live launch date for your site and assist with identifying your target  student groups (prospective, accepted, current, etc.). The remaining steps are planned with meeting  your launch date in mind. 

3. Scholarship Site: If you select a school-branded site, 

a. IES holds a discovery meeting to identify your requirements for the site build 

b. Once built, IES holds a site review meeting, gathers feedback, and refines your site, if needed. c. Final site approval obtained. 

4. Training: IES provides the following training for your school staff: 

a. Scholarship database introduction 

b. Creating profiles 

c. Saving and managing scholarships 

d. Administrator dashboard 

e. Chat service 

f. Providing codes to students 

g. Ideas for encouraging students to create profiles 

h. Communications package 

i. Entering school-specific scholarships, if a school-branded site is selected 

j. Internship database 

5. Implementation Materials: IES provides school staff with customizable, targeted launch materials  including email and social media assets. During this phase, school staff review available IES launch  materials, customizes these to align with the target groups identified in Step 2, and establishes push  dates.  

6. Communications Package: Communications including videos, presentations, and live webinars are  made available to your students. The frequency of these is determined by your school staff and  designated annually. 

7. Ongoing Conversations: IES staff meets as-needed with school staff to assist with launch, refine  approaches, and provide support. 

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